Complete implementation
Complete implementation
Implementation of the Qlik system, which is carried out by BPX analysts and consultants from the beginning to the end. At the beginning of the project, a pre-implementation analysis of the business areas to be implemented is conducted. Then a detailed implementation plan is prepared. It covers all functionalities and expected costs.
Implementations are carried out in the Scrum methodology and they aim to provide the first production functionalities as soon as possible. The implementation is completed by the transfer of full post-implementation documentation and the training concerning the platform’s support. Each functionality is implemented in a cyclical manner.

The complete implementation of the system can be supplemented by an SLA agreement, within the framework of which BPX consultants realize service and development requests.
Implementation with the transfer of knowledge
Implementation with the transfer of knowledge differs from complete implementation by the degree of employees’ involvement on the client’s side. First phases of the project are carried out (entirely) by BPX. Then they are trainings of client’s employees, who ultimately take over further implementation works. Transfer of knowledge and responsibility for implementation is gradual:

- The first phase along with the first version of the Data Warehouse is implemented by BPX. After completion of this phase, basic trainings related to the implementation of Qlik reports are carried out.
- The second phase is conducted in the distribution of responsibility (50/50). Client’s employees actively participate in the process of creating reports with the support of BPX consultants. A part of works is performed jointly in the form of workshops at the client’s headquarters or BPX’s premises.
- The third phase includes further trainings for client’s employees about advanced implementation topics such as optimization, advanced script, good practices of data modeling.
- Next implementation stages are conducted (in 100%) by client’s working teams. It is also possible to buy a pool of days to ensure the support of our consultants or sign an SLA agreement.
Instead of the classic implementation project, there are workshops lasting several weeks at the client’s headquarters or BPX’s headquarters. The aim of the workshops is to ensure the joint work of BPX consultants and client’s employees in order to create reporting applications. The workshop form is perfect in the case of small implementation or the development of already existing installations.
After the completion of the workshops, it is possible to buy the additional support from BPX consultants. The workshop form assumes at least a basic knowledge of the Qlik tool by the customer’s employees (at least one project implemented in the tool). It can also be preceded by trainings.
Sales of licenses
As an authorized partner of Qlik in Poland, we mediate in the sale of licenses. We provide purchasers of licenses with support within the framework of the Maintenance agreement. We provide the first support line and mediate in communication with Qlik. The range of support can be extended by signing the SLA agreement. We have our own request handling platform. Thanks to this platform, the client can communicate with us and track the progress of service requests.
You can read more about the sales of licenses here
Comparison of individual variants
Complete implementation
Implementation with the transfer of knowledge
Sales of licenses
Implementation of the entire system along with pre-implementation analysis and post-implementation support from BPX
Partial implementation along with intensive trainings and transfer of competences
Solving a specific problem posed by the client or implementing a specific functionality
Only the purchase of new licenses or expansion of the existing license database
Implementation is entirely conducted by BPX
Implementation with a gradual transfer of work to the client
Short form of a joint commitment of BPX and the client
BPX only provides support in the field of Maintenance
Full documentation
Documentation only for the part made by BPX
Lack of documentation
Lack of documentation
As a part of the implementation – training: developer/administrator. Advanced trainings
No trainings within the framework of the project
No trainings within the framework of the project
When should you choose this scenario?
You want to implement the entire system according to the specifications
You have a team or you are planning to create a team that will take over the development of the platform.
You already work with Qlik and you need consultations in a specific business case
You want to buy licenses, expand the existing license base and (at the same time) use BPX services in the field of maintenance support
Contact us!
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