BPX as a strategic and contents Partner of postgraduate studies “Systemy SAP w zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwem” (“SAP systems in business management”)

We’re pleased to announce that the BPX S.A. company has been a strategic and contents Partner of postgraduate studies “Systemy SAP w zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwem” at Czestochowa University of Technology.
As early as 24th February 2024, the Czestochowa University of Technology will start a new field of postgraduate studies, “Systemy SAP w Zarządzaniu Przedsiębiorstwem”. The Vice CEO of BPX S.A., Anna Saczuk, is the initiator and ambassador of that course of study.
The BPX S.A. experts, in partnership with other business practitioners, will share their knowledge and experience with students, appearing as lecturers.
This innovative field of study is the answer to the market needs in terms of the most modern system supporting the management of enterprise – SAP. Postgraduate studies “Systemy SAP w zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwem” aims to get students acquainted with the specificity of the SAP program, which is the undisputed leader of ERP solutions.
In the course of specialist postgraduate studies, students will gain the knowledge and skills necessary for the SAP system operation. Classes are going to be divided into two main modules, allowing for expanded qualifications in SAP ERP and SAP S/4 HANA versions. Each of the thematic blocks will be split into minor sections conducted by experts in their domains.
The graduate of the studies “Systemy SAP w zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwem” will be richer with knowledge and skills that allow them to start working within the SAP system in many organizations, e.g., in the position of SAP Consultant. After completing their studies, the best students will receive a proposal for a job offer at BPX S.A.
The co-organizer of the postgraduate studies is the Wielton S.A. company that takes Patronage on the course, and the SAP organization is the Special Patron.
The course will last two semesters – 180 hours of classes.
We strongly encourage you to register!
More information (only in Polish): https://wz.pcz.pl/studia/studia-podyplomowe/systemy-sap-w-zarzadzaniu-przedsiebiorstwem
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